
October 5, 1987

November 2, 1987

November 30, 1987
January 19, 1988

January 20, 1988

January 25, 1988

February 15, 1988
April 4, 1988

May 2, 1988

May 23, 1988

July 11, 1988

Faculty Senate

5 October, 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Armistead, Bohstedt, Cullen, Fowler, Grady, Hipple, Jenkins, Jumper, Kaplan, Knight, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lunn, Olins, J. Phillips, L. Phillips, Picquet, Poppen, Purcell, Robbins, Robinson, Schrieves, Shull, von Bernuth, G. Wheeler and J. Williams.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

1. Frandsen recognized those from the UT community who had died over the summer: former President Andy Holt, and Professors Gerald LaBorde and Randall Cline.

2. Frandsen presented the past president plaque to former Senate President Bernie Silverstein.

3. Remarks by Chancellor Reese, who welcomed senators back for another academic-year. Reese touched briefly on recent accusations leveled at the Athletic Department and suggested that the Senate Athletics Committee meet with Vice Chancellor Scheurer and others on this subject.

Reese mentioned that changes in dealing with students in academic difficulty (below 2.0) will require greater advising efforts by the faculty. He has appointed a committee (chaired by Marianne Woodside) to coordinate advising efforts.

Reese reported the funding of 12 chairs of excellence and the hiring of 12 distinguished scientists, and indicated his great satisfaction with the facilities in the new Hodges Library.

4. Remarks by Executive Vice Chancellor Fisher, who began by thanking the Senate Budget Committee for its work in 1986-87. In addition, Fisher touched on the following topics: a) next year UTK will be able to use its fee money more flexibly, especially with regard to faculty salaries, b) there will probably be increased money for equipment next year, c) the next capital project is the science-engineering and computer center building, although funding probably will be spread out over more than one year.

5. Frandsen reported that he invited members of the Board of Trustees to visit classes. If you would like such visitors, contact Frandsen.
Minutes of Senate meeting 13 July, 1987 approved as distributed.


1. Executive Committee (report by Frandsen)

There was considerable discussion as to bow to poll faculty opinion regarding the presidential search. A questionnaire is being distributed to all faculty.

Minutes of 18 and 21 September approved as distributed.

2. Nominating Committee (report by Waller)

Nominations for President-Elect: Alexander Van Hook
Max Wortman

Ballots will be distributed at the next Senate meeting and election will be conducted at that meeting.

3. Presidential Search Advisory Committee (report by Frandsen)

Frandsen reviewed the search procedures to date, saying he was delighted with the search process. Then Frandsen distributed a questionnaire to senators on important priorities and qualities of a new president of UT. Could not be specific as to the timetable of the search. Frandsen answered questions on the role of an outside consultant, local editorial opinion, and cost of consultant ($50,000). Frandsen promised a Senate meeting later which will deal primarily with the search.

4. Joint Senate-Provost Committee on the Evaluation of Teaching (report by Schneider)

This committee delivered a report to the May 1987 Senate meeting, which was sent back to committee for revisions and/or clarifications. This revised report now returns to the Senate for approval.

Several questions arose as to the amount of time and expense such an undertaking would require, the maximum time between evaluations of tenured faculty (five years), the uses of norms, the linking to the rewards system, and other queries and observations.

After discussion, the committee report was approved.

5. Frandsen distributed reports on workloads and on salaries, to be discussed at a future Senate meeting.

Adjourned at 4:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

2 November 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Armistead, Avery, Bengtson, Bomar, Boroviak, Bovill, Crawford, Cullen, Dietz, Drake, H. Fisher, P. Fisher, Frazier, Hammitt, Haughton, Hipple, Jenkins, Jeon, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Mertz, Moffett, Morrow, Norman, Olins, Oliver, Peters, J. Phillips, Purcell, Reddy, Reed, Reese, Reich, Scheurer, Schrieves, Shull, Sinkankas, Slawson, Toal, Tompkins, von Bernuth, Washburn, J. Williams and Wisniewski.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

1. Frandsen gave a progress report on the presidential search. A Chicago consulting firm has been engaged, advertisements have been placed, letters inviting nominations have been sent, and names of potential candidates are coming in. Beauchamp Brogan is contacting nominees to see if they are interested. If potential candidates do show interest, by writing to Brogan's office, their names become public--which Frandsen believes is unfortunate. Faculty opinion is being relayed to the search committee. Frandsen will report further on the called Senate meeting of November 30.

2. John Bohstedt reported for the Committee on International Education. Urged faculty cooperation with the committee's efforts, especially to increase the number of fellowships for foreign study. Bohstedt invited faculty to use the "Prospects" publication to disseminate information on scholarships and fellowships, which is available from the Center of International Education (4-3177).

3. Report by Athletic Director Doug Dickey, who introduced his four academic advisors. Dickey spoke of what he referred to as a "transitional stage" in college athletics, due largely to Rule 51J of the NCAA. In addition, UTK has instituted a retention program for athletes, which he predicted will reach an 80% graduation rate within two years. Dickey then reported to the Senate on drug testing, counseling and drug education programs. Dickey urged faculty cooperation in setting up degree programs for student athletes.

Minutes of 5 October 1987 Senate meeting approved as distributed.

COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Executive Committee

Minutes of Executive Committee meeting of 19 October 1987 approved as distributed.

2. Nomination Committee (Waller)

Distribution of ballots for 1987-88 President-Elect. Counted by S. Martin and T. Hood. The President-Elect is Alexander Van Hook.

3. Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee (Auxier)
a. On providing longevity pay for part-time employees, the Senate unanimously approved the resolution as amended to draft and send the resolution to the Governor and the State Legislature.

b. The Senate approved a resolution thanking President Boling and Chancellor Reese for furnishing university employees a flexible employee benefit plan.
4. Educational Policy Committee (report Everett)
a. Everett reported on the proposed Honor Statement, now brought to the Senate for approval. Pierce expressed concern that faculty had the option of reporting--or not reporting--honor violations to the office of Student Conduct. There then was some discussion of differences between an honor "code" and an honor "statement". After more discussion, the Honor Statement was approved as amended (replacing the word "code", used twice on page 3, with the word "statement").

b. The Senate unanimously approved the Graduate Council proposal that the interdepartmental program in school psychology, formerly co-sponsored by the Department of Psychology and now being discontinued from its listing there, be listed in the College of Education as a specialization within the Ph.D. program in the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology.
5. Joint Senate-Provost Committee on Teaching Improvement (report B. Wheeler)

The Committee will distribute its report to all faculty members for a full discussion of the report. Committee members will be glad to attend department meetings to discuss the report. Faculty may submit amendments to the Committee over November, December, January and February.

The Committee will meet and discuss all amendments, and will distribute all the amendments to the faculty, along with its recommendation on each amendment. Then, in March or April, the report and all the amendments will return to the Senate for discussion and a vote.

1. Workloads and Salary Issues Reports (G. Wheeler)
a. There was a very short discussion of the Workloads Report (no vote).

b. Salary Issues Report--(Frandsen noted that the Budget Committee was studying this report.)
1. There was a question as to how "merit" was defined (since report recommended that all salary increases be merit increases), and a general discussion of this followed. There were also concerns expressed about the merit system itself and about the objectivity of department heads. G. Wheeler emphasized that there was a review process.

2. No vote.
2. Richard Penner presented the attached letter to the Senate (for information).
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

30 November 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Aikens, Billen, Bohstedt, Bovill, Cullen, Drake, Elliott, H. Fisher, Frazier, Haughton, Hodges, Jumper, Kaplan, Kitchen, Kovac, Lawler, Leiter, Levy, Liston, Lunn, Martinson, Misra, Morrow, Moses, Olins, Parsons, Philippatos, J. Phillips, Picquet, Pulsipher, Purcell, Reddy, Reese, Robbins, Shull, Stanga, Toal, von Bernuth, G. Wheeler, Wisniewski and Wodehouse.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

1. Frandsen reviewed the Senate's January schedule. Senate will meet on January 25, with subsequent meetings for the quarter on February 15 and March 7.
1. Minutes of Senate meeting of November 2 approved, as were the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of November 16.
1. Educational Policy Committee (report by Everett) recommended approval of a) extensive revision of the Law curriculum, b) added requirements in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and c) minor changes in the Engineering Science and Mechanics curriculum. October 29 Undergraduate Council Minutes were approved unanimously.

Frandsen briefly reviewed the history of the presidential search, noting the composition of the Search Committee and the Advisory Committee to the Search Committee. At a recent combined meeting of the two committees, Frandsen delivered the results of a UT System faculty poll and spoke for faculty involvement in the search process. Other constituencies at that meeting, according to Frandsen, spoke for minimal change.

Frandsen then introduced Mr. William Johnson, chair of the Presidential Search Committee, who spoke briefly concerning the search. Mr. James Haslam II arrived later to answer questions with Johnson. Mr. Johnson made the following points:
1. Members of the Search Committee, at the outset of the process, held "listening sessions" on every campus, where a great diversity of ideas was expressed.

2. There is a great deal of competition between UT campuses, which can be counterproductive and which has shown itself in the presidential search.

3. One change to the Advisory Committee was to keep all UT constituencies fully informed as to the progress of the search.

4. Johnson defended the engagement of an outside consulting firm to identify and screen candidates.

5. Tennessee's liberal "sunshine law" has acted to inhibit the search to a degree by discouraging some candidates from applying.

6. The identification of qualities and priorities has been a productive process, even though he thought response levels had been a bit disappointing. Nevertheless, Johnson was impressed with the general consensus between faculty, students and alumni as to top qualities and priorities (which was to enhance the academic reputation and accomplishments of UT).

7. Mentioned talking with Secretary of Education William Bennett, as one of a great number of people with whom the Search Committee has spoken and who have been asked for advice and to help identify candidates.
1. Responding to a question about the timetable, Johnson said there was no set timetable, but he hoped to identify and secure a new president by late spring of 1988. If an excellent person has not been secured by the time President Boling retires, the search nevertheless will go on.

2. On whether faculty will have the opportunity to rank candidates, Johnson said faculty on the Advisory Committee will be involved in the interview process, but the ranking will be done by the 7-person Search Committee. In sum, the general faculty will not be asked to rank the candidates.

3. On the role of the consultant, Johnson said outside consultant will contact nominees to see if they are interested, explain the Tennessee "sunshine law", and try to keep quality candidates interested. The consultant alone will not screen any candidates.

4. On deadlines, Johnson said the Search Committee will accept applications "until the position is filled".

5. On competitiveness with other institutions, Johnson said that the salary and benefits at UT are highly competitive.

6. In response to one person's concern that "inside" candidates have an "inside" track, Johnson and Haslam said "geography and pedigree" had no advantage in the search.

7. Will Advisory Committee help to select the "short list" from which interviewees will come? Haslam said Advisory Committee will interact with those on the "short list".

8. Will faculty members not on the Advisory Committee be able to participate in the interview process? Johnson replied that all the interviews will "be in the sunshine", although he urged the faculty to work through faculty on the Advisory Committee.

9. On President Boling's influence with the Board of Trustees, Johnson said most Board members are pretty independent, and added that Democratic-Republican politics do not play a major role within the Board.

10. On what some perceive as the imbalance between athletics and academics, Johnson replied that it should not be incompatible to have a first-rate academic program and a first-rate athletic program. Haslam added that a strong athletic program does increase contributions to the academic programs.
The Senate thanked Johnson and Haslam for visiting and talking with the Senate.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

19 January, 1988, 10:00 A.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Armistead, Avery, Bengtson, Billen, Bohstedt, Bomar, Bovill, Carroll, Clark, Crawford, Cullen, Drake, Elliott, H. Fisher, P. Fisher, Fowler, Frazier, Hammitt, Hodges, Hood, Howell, Julian, Kaplan, Kitchen, Lawler, Leiter, Lenhart, Lester, Levy, Liston, Lofaro, Lunn, Martinson, Mertz, Morrow, Moses, Olins, Parsons, Penner, Philippatos, J. Phillips, Pinckney, Pulsipher, Purcell, Ratner, Reddy, Reese, Robbins, Robinson, Schroedl, Sharp, Sinkankas, Stanga, Toal, Washburn, J. Williams, V. Williams and Wodehouse.

Frandsen called the meeting to order. He explained that the one item on the agenda was discussion of the presidential search process. Frandsen announced that there will be a special meeting of the Senate on January 20 with Lamar Alexander.

Frandsen then described the events of the past week.

Early in the week members of Search Advisory Committee were informed that a joint meeting with the Search Committee would take place on Friday.

On Thursday the Advisory Committee was informed that Alexander was a candidate and would be present at the Friday meeting.

On Friday the Advisory Committee met at noon. General reaction was shock. It was voted to ask Search Committee not to vote on any candidate that day. Mr. Johnson then explained to the Advisory Committee why the Search Committee had moved in this way.

At 1:00 p.m. the combined meeting of the Advisory Committee and the Search Committee met. The Advisory Committee asked that no vote be taken at that time. Then Alexander was introduced and answered questions from. the Advisory Committee. All members of the Advisory Committee objected to the process of Alexander's selection but indicated no objection to the candidate. Then the Search Committee voted, unanimously, to recommend Alexander to the full Board of Trustees.

Later that day the Executive Committee of the Senate met, and Van Hook and Kovac were authorized to draft a resolution (attached) to bring to the Senate.

Frandsen then opened the floor for discussion. After discussion, the resolution carried overwhelmingly.

Haskell moved (seconded) that the Faculty Senate not sponsor the Wednesday meeting with Alexander, but that it be simply an open meeting of the faculty. The motion was defeated.

The floor was then turned over to Bill Johnson, chair of Search Committee. Johnson explained the difficulties presented by the open records and sunshine laws. He then explained the various constituencies the Search Committee had to serve, maintained that the Alexander selection was not a "fix" from the start, asserted that the Search Committee did make efforts to find qualified minority candidates, and urged the faculty to believe that Alexander was most concerned with the faculty. Johnson then closed by calling for cooperation.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

Special Meeting
20 January 1988, 10:00 A.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Armistead, Bengtson, Bohstedt, Bomar, Carroll, Crawford, Cullen, Drake, Elliott, P. Fisher, H. Fisher, Fowler, Frazier, Haskell, Hood, Howell, Julian, Kaplan, Kitchen, Lawler, Leiter, Lenhart, Lester, Levy, Liston, Lofaro, Lunn, Mertz, Moore, Moses, Olins, Parsons, Penner, Peters, J. Phillips, L. Phillips, Pinckney, Pulsipher, Purcell, Reddy, Robbins, Schrieves, Schroedl, Sharp, Slawson, Washburn, B. Wheeler, J. Williams, V. Williams, Wisniewski and Wodehouse.

A special called meeting of the Faculty Senate was brought to order at 10:05 a.m. by Frandsen. The one item on the agenda was discussion of the faculty view of the office of President and that candidate. Our visitor, Lamar Alexander has not been offered the position but has been recommended as the best candidate by the Presidential Search Committee for that position.

Frandsen noted that at the Faculty Senate meeting yesterday (January 19) that faculty objections to the search process have been stated in a resolution that was passed and Frandsen will be taking it to the full Board of Trustees. In fact, Mr. Johnson has agreed to support a review of this process and to seek relief front the Sunshine Law.

Mr. Alexander distributed a resume for those present (attached).

Frandsen introduced Mr. Alexander to the Faculty Senate indicating his qualifications for the Presidency relative to the results of the faculty survey.

Mr. Alexander stated events that led to his name being presented to the Search Committee. Alexander shared his views on change, expressed a desire to work with each campus and to improve academic quality at UT, if elected President.

The floor was open for questions for Mr. Alexander.

Lorman Ratner asked for Mr. Alexander's view on research. Alexander indicated his support for research citing his role in creating the Development Program and the Chairs of Excellence.

Kwang Jeon asked Mr. Alexander how many years it would take to have his ideas realized at UT and how long would he remain at UT if elected? Alexander indicated hope to serve for a period of years long enough to make something good happen at UT.

R. Avery asked about Mr. Alexander's views of affirmative action. Alexander responded that he had a legal requirement as well as a moral requirement to affirmative action and felt fully committed to it.

F. Knight asked about his views toward the role of professional schools. Mr. Alexander said there was a real need for these parts of the UT system.

van Hook asked about economic interface. Mr. Alexander said that one way to get things sometimes was to pool resources. He suggested this may be done between UT and other universities.

J. Kovac asked about the need for money to maintain the infrastructure needed to support research. Alexander stated that you must be able to attract people through programs like the Chairs of Excellence, but that should not be done without attention to long term needs.

T. Hipple asked about Mr. Alexander's experience as a musician. Mr. Alexander described his part-time work when he was a legal clerk.

B. Mead asked about affirmative action in regards to women, since they are under represented in both administrative and faculty positions on campus. Alexander said he would do his dead best to balance that.

Frandsen thanked Mr. Alexander and announced that there would be an Executive Committee meeting immediately following in Room 21.7 and that Mr. Alexander would be present.

Meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

25 January 1988; 3:15 P.M.; Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Billen, Bohstedt, Bomar, Carroll, Crawford, Cullen, Drake, Elliott, Haskell, Howell, Jenkins, Jumper, Kitchen, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lofaro, Martinson, B. McManus, M. McManus, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, Peters, Philippatos, J. Phillips, Picquet, Poppen, Pulsipher, Purcell, Ratner, Reese, Scheurer, Schrieves, Shull, Slawson, Toal, von Bernuth, G. Wheeler, and Wisniewski.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

1. Ms. Joan Cronan (Director of UTK Women's Athletics) is ill and will not be at this meeting. She will be at the 15 February meeting.

2. Frandsen reported that it is likely that there will be a 7 March Senate meeting, principally to deal with curricular materials.

3. Frandsen gave the Senate a brief update on the presidential search. He reported that some trustees are sympathetic to changes in the search procedure. Presently the trustees are revising their bylaws, and Frandsen will keep in touch with that group. Lamar Alexander also told Frandsen he was concerned with the process, and also noted he would be glad to get opinions from faculty on this or other matters. Write to Alexander c/o Belmont College in Nashville.
1. Minutes of the Senate meeting of 30 November approved, with the correction of one typographical error.

2. Frandsen called for any questions with regard to the Executive Committee meeting of 11 January. There were none.
a. Frandsen did say that a committee for the implementation of faculty evaluation has been set up to implement the broad policy statement passed by the Senate. Marian Moffett is the chair.
1. Budget Committee (report Stanga)

Stanga reported on the general responsibilities of the Budget Committee, which are principally to assist in formulating broad policies dealing with allocation and spending of funds. He reported that allocation hampered by comparatively low tax incomes (tied for last in the Southeast), so "the pie" is smaller for state government to divide. Stanga then explained the THEC formula and the fiscal calendar.

Stanga spoke of the need to revise the formula for allocating funds for the Library. The UTK funding is 69% of the funding received by its selected peer institutions.

This year the Committee has set as its priorities
1. funding for science-engineering-computer center building
2. funding for salaries of top-quality faculty members
3. funding for summer school under semesters (funding cuts--or lack of growth--have made summer school less attractive to students
4. budget priorities for colleges
5. compensation for department heads
6. student fees
Vice Chancellor Homer Fisher then reported to the Senate on the Governor's budget for FY89. Although not possessing complete information, he reported that $6.8 million additional money for UTK has been requested, with $5 million of that for salary increases. Separately, money ($5 million) has been allocated to begin work on science-engineering-computer center building.

On salary increases, the general average increase will be 4% for faculty and staff. Staff will be on a sliding scale, with lowest paid staff getting largest percentage increases. At present for faculty, there will be a 4% merit pool, with hopes for more. Last year was the first time that UTK declined in comparison to its peer institutions and, in response to a question, Fisher reported that this may well be the case next year as well. Increase in student fees should be around 5%.

2. Student Affairs Committee (report Pinckney)

Pinckney gave a progress report on issues before the Committee:
1. Pedestrian crosswalks on Volunteer Blvd., now under study
2. Students concerned about registration matters, and these concerns are being investigated (including instructors' names in timetable, more sections in high demand courses, rumor that drop/add in semesters will be during final exam week, preferred registration for those who turn in their scan forms early)
3. Students also concerned about unavailability of minors, especially in the College of Business Administration
4. General negative feeling about COMP exam. Pinckney explained the importance of the COMP exam, especially in securing funding from THEC, and reported that the Learning Research Center was aware of the negative feelings and was working to counteract them.
5. Pinckney said there was confusion about the posting of grades. Pinckney reported that a policy of "no posting" may be coming from the Undergraduate Council. Similarly, Pinckney said students are confused about grade appeals. A joint Provost-Senate committee has been appointed to deal with this problem.
6. There is concern that summer orientation lacks a strong academic component, and that it misses approximately 25% of entering students.
7. Pre-law students have found that a Philadelphia legal information center serving law schools (LSDAS) has recomputed our B+ grades as 3.3 and NC grades recomputed as F's.
1. Carl Pierce suggested that Senators consider making more use of the opportunity to bring issues to the Senate floor as "New Business".

2. Frandsen reminded Senate of his invitation to trustees to visit faculty in classes, offices, etc. Some trustees are interested in doing so. Frandsen said be would like to set up a few visits before summer.

3. Was a brief discussion on Lamar Alexander as UT president and potential Republican vice presidential candidate.
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

15 February 1988; 3:15 p.m.; Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Avery, Billen, Bohstedt, Bovill, Carroll, Clark, Cullen, Elliott, H. Fisher, P. Fisher, Frazier, Hammitt, Haskell, Haughton, Hipple, Hodges, Howell, Jenkins, Jeon, Juniper, Kaplan, Knight, Lee, Leiter, Levy, Liston, Lunn, B. McManus, M. McManus, Misra, Morrow, Moses, Olins, Penner, Peters, J. Phillips, Poppen, Purcell, Ratner, Reddy, Scheurer, Schrieves, Shull, Toal, G. Wheeler, J. Williams, Wisniewski and Wodehouse.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

Executive Committee (Special) 15 January
Senate (Special Meeting) 19 January
Senate (Special Meeting) 20 January
Senate (Regular Meeting) 25 January
Executive Committee, 1 February
Approved as distributed. Frandsen announced there probably would not be a March 7 Senate meeting.

Chancellor Jack Reese presented the L. R. Hesler Award to Dr. Michael Fitzgerald.
Joan Cronan (Director, UTK Women's Athletics) gave a presentation on the state of women's athletics at UTK. Approximately 80 athletes compete in 7 intercollegiate sports, and maintain a collective 2.78 GPA. The program has a 100% graduation rate. Student majors are in all colleges in a wide range of departments. Cronan spoke in favor of a separate women's athletic program, not merged with the men's program. In response to a question about the one-third of the student activities fee going to women's athletics, Cronan and Reese defended this, saying UTK is spending about what other universities are spending.
COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Educational Policy Committee (report Everett)
A. Undergraduate Council
1. Final exam week policy (see UGC minutes 28 January, pp. 9098-9099). Professor Clark of the Mathematics Department spoke against part 2 of the proposal, listing several reasons why his department opposed this part. There followed a general discussion of this part.

Norman moved (2nd Kovac) that part 2 of the UGC final exam policy proposals be struck. Norman then changed motion to read that part 2 be returned to the committee (2nd agreed). Motion passed.

Discussion of part 1, requiring that if a final exam is given, it must be given at the designated time in final exam week and not before. If no final exam is given, an alternative use of the time must be planned and carried out.
B. Graduate Council (12 November 1987) November 12 minutes approved without discussion.

C. Graduate Council (21 January 1988) In response to question with regard to additional costs for a Ph.D. in Nursing, Dean Hart said Nursing would be seeking outside funding and that additional costs to UTK would be minimal.

21 January minutes approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

April 4, 1988, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Armistead, Avery, Billen, Bohstedt, Bomar, Bovill, Carroll, Crawford, Cullen, Dietz, Drake, H. Fisher, P. Fisher, Fowler, Frazier, Hammitt, Haskell, Haughton, Jenkins, Jolly, Julian, Jumper, Kaplan, Kitchen, Kovac, Leiter, Levy, Liston, Lunn, B. McManus, M. McManus, Minkel, Misra, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, Penner, Peters, J. Phillips, Picquet, Poppen, Purcell, Robbins, Robinson, Scheurer, Shull, Stanga, G. Wheeler, J. Williams, V. Williams, Wisniewski and Wodehouse.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

MINUTES Faculty Senate minutes of February 15, 1988 were approved.
Faculty Senate Executive minutes of February 22, 1988 and March 21, 1988 were approved.


Ballots were filled out during the early part of the meeting.

1. Executive Committee
Frandsen reported that trustees have been invited to campus and some will be visiting. Frandsen has appointed committee of Fred Venditti, Barbara Moore and himself to coordinate visits. Frandsen brought Library Development Drive resolution to the floor for discussion and vote. Passed unanimously.

Frandsen announced that he would be setting up an ad hoc committee to deal with policies on outside consulting.

Frandsen said the report of the Task Force on Race Relations is something that should be read and seriously evaluated by each faculty member--in particular by Senators. Items 10, 16 and 20, although addressed to the administration, are things for which the faculty have responsibility. The Faculty Senate, through appropriate committees, or new ad hoc committees if necessary, should begin to consider appropriate responses to these suggestions. We need to seek methods of responding to these suggestions in productive ways. We should not wait for Chancellor to tell the Deans and the Deans to tell the faculty; we should begin at once.

In response to a question, Frandsen reported that Poppen's committee is investigating setting up a process dealing with student-teacher disputes which cannot be resolved by normal appeal processes.
2. Nominating Committee (report Waller)
Committee recommended as nominees for President-Elect:

Tom Hood, Lorayne Lester

Ballots will be distributed and must be returned by April 22.
3. Fringe Benefits Committee (report Auxier)
Auxier reported that State Insurance Committee, in an attempt to hold down insurance costs, tried to encourage insured to use "approved providers", by paying 90% of "customary costs" (with maximum out-of-pocket expense of $1,000) for those physicians and hospitals while paying only 70% of "customary costs" with maximum out-of-pocket expense of $5,000). Auxier said it was his opinion that faculty were intentionally kept in the dark until this was approved, and said he believed this was not in the best interests of the faculty.

After considerable discussion, Silverstein moved (seconded Sharp) that Senate authorize the Fringe Benefits Committee to do all it can to postpone implementation of this plan 60 days to learn more. Was some discussion of what good this would do, after which motion passed unanimously.
4. Athletics Committee (report Reed)
Reed reported on the funding of the Thompson-Boling Arena, a charge which the committee has as a result of an agreement between the University central administration and some faculty. The final cost of construction came to approximately $40 million. Presently the Athletic Department is paying debt service on the original funds borrowed, but a number of lawsuits yet to be heard will determine who pays the remainder.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M.

At this point, the tellers reported on the results of the election to the Committee on Committees. See attached page for complete list.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

May 2, 1988; 3:15 p.m.; Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Avery, Billen, Bohstedt, Clark, Drake, Elliott, H. Fisher, P. Fisher, Fowler, Frazier, Hammitt, Hipple, Howell, Jenkins, Jeon, Jumper, Kaplan, Kitchen, Knight, Kovac, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lofaro, Lunn, Martinson, M. McManus, Mertz, Miller, Minkel, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, Philippatos, J. Phillips, Pierce, Pless, Purcell, Ratner, Reese, Reich, Robinson, Scheurer, Slawson, B. Wheeler, G. Wheeler, J. Williams, Wisniewski and Wodehouse.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

Frandsen announced that there will be a meeting of the Faculty Senate on May 23rd.
The minutes of the April 4, 1988 Faculty Senate meeting were approved.
Executive Committee--Frandsen commented the most items from the Executive Committee meeting of April 18, 1988 were on the agenda. The minutes were approved as presented without objection.

Nominating Committee--Waller reported that Tom Hood is the President-Elect for 1988-89.

Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee--Auxier introduced Frank Pell who reported on an improved state plan of "medigap" for retirees (see attached). This culminates a three year effort on the part of many groups working together, and Bell thanked the various groups and individuals for their efforts.

Auxier introduced Linda Burton who presented a resolution for preventative health maintenance. Mickey Bilbrey and Ed Bunicore were introduced and gave their support for the resolution. They both stated statistics on asymptomatic mammographs that increase the survival rates of early detection. Auxier moved that the resolution be passed. Silverstein suggested a slight change in wording which was accepted by the mover and is included in the resolution (see attached). The resolution passed unanimously.

Auxier introduced Neal Wormsley who reported on insurance benefits. All benefits were grandfathered through April 30.

Also the option to join the HMO is extended to May 25. He reviewed the PPN system as it currently exists. He pointed out that covered retirees out of state were to be at an 80/20% level. Wormsley indicated the dissatisfaction of both state employees and physicians with the changes recently implemented. He outlined some of the steps taken and meetings which have occurred with the State Insurance Committee which have had to no immediate results. A consultant is to report back to the committee about where deficiencies occur across the state. What action will be taken in unclear. A more expensive program which would restore original benefits may be a possibility. A toll free number 1-800-558-6213 will tell the caller if a physician or facility is in the plan. The future of this program remains uncertain. In response to questions, Wormsley pointed out that Blue Cross only administers the plan, the premiums go into a state bank account. Also there is precedence for this kind of plan. Auxier said there are studies which indicate increased mortality rates under this type of coverage.

Advising--Frandsen introduced Marianne Woodside who discussed the implementation of the Academic Review Policy. A copy of her committee's report is in with the May 2 agenda. She touched on its high points and introduced Monique Anderson who discussed her office's part in the process. Woodside indicated that approximately 6,000 students fall into the definitions of academically deficient (overall GPA or one quarter GPA less than 2.0). An effort is being made to analyze what are the major problems of the students in this group. Approximately 4,500 of the 6,000 are freshman. Progression standards will be considered and students advised toward an appropriate major.

Educational Policy Committee--Everett went over the Graduate Council minutes from February 25. (These minutes were distributed earlier.) He noted a correction to College of Education, Special Services Education course 544. The correct number should be 554 Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education. College of Liberal Arts, Audiology and Speech Pathology course 507 should have be titled 507 Anatomy and Pathology of Hearing. An effective date was added for Nursing. He pointed out that information about which semesters a course will be offered can be put directly into the catalog without going through the councils. The curriculum matters passed without dissent.

The policies relating to graduate assistants were then discussed. Ten hours per week is the "normal" load for a quarter-time assistant. Other policies such as a teaching associate must have 18 hours in the field in which they are teaching if they have responsibilities for the grading. Many other details are in the minutes. The GSA was invited to have input during the formulation of these policies. Dissemination of this information will generally be through the departments.

Pinckney questioned whether teaching associates are receiving adequate supervision and evaluation. An annual evaluation is the minimum. Silverstein proposed an amendment that this be changed to an evaluation each semester (seconded by Grady). This is to be a written evaluation. The amendment failed. After this the entire proposal passed. Everett asked that senators bring copies of the various council meeting minutes to the Senate meetings.

Frandsen presented copies of the transition report sent to Lamar Alexander (copy attached) and the Trustee's visit plan.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

May 23, 1988; 3:15 p.m.; Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Bovill, Buehler, Carroll, Elliott, Fowler, Hammitt, Haskell, Hodges, Howell, Jenkins, Jeon, Jumper, Kitchen, Knight, Kovac, Lawler, Lee, Leiter, Levy, Liston, Lofaro, Lunn, Mertz, Minkel, Misra, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, Oliver, Parsons, Penner, Peters, J. Phillips, L. Phillips, Picquet, Poppen, Pulsipher, Purcell, Ratner, Reddy, Reese, Robbins, Robinson, Scheurer, Shrieves, Shull, Slawson, Toal, Washburn, G. Wheeler and Wodehouse.

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.


Frandsen announced there will be a meeting of the Senate on July 11. If Senators are to send proxies, they must inform the secretary of the Senate (4-7089) in advance.

Fribourg then reported on a meeting with the Senate Insurance Committee. He passed out a report on the flaws in the health insurance program. Fribourg suggested that a massive letterwriting campaign would be, in his view, the only way the plan will be changed. Bill Dotterweich suggested a varying deductible, based on income, which would satisfy political concerns of raising deductible for lower-income state employees. He added that we should keep complaining. Dotterweich said he heard there is an alternate plan in the works, but urged that we keep pressure on. He strongly urged that people keep extremely good records re health care. Write to:
Commissioner David Manning
James K. Polk Office Building
Nashville, TN 37219
Mr. Pat Hunt, new President of the Student Government Association, spoke of an increased student interest in University affairs.


The minutes of the May 2, 1988 Senate meeting were approved as corrected. (page two, last paragraph, second sentence should read: Ten hours per week is the "normal" work load for a quarter-time assistant.)


Executive Committee--Frandsen spoke briefly about the meeting of May 16 (minutes not yet distributed), which was divided between discussion of a unified faculty handbook and a discussion of the report of the Task Force on Race Relations.

Budget Committee--Stanga reported on the committee's 1987-88 activities. He reported that the committee requested that Chancellor Reese ask for a modification of the THEC formula to bring faculty salaries up to the averages of our peer institutions. Vice Chancellor Fisher said a detailed report from his office would be made available for inclusion in these minutes. His verbal report, however, suggested that money was extremely tight, since the vast majority of all increases in funds were taken up with line items and with salaries. Budget Committee's report accepted unanimously by the Senate.

Educational Policy Committee--Everett reviewed minutes of Graduate Council (April 7, 1988). Graduate Council minutes accepted unanimously.

Everett then reviewed the Undergraduate Council minutes (April 28). Silverstein moved (seconded Dietz) that policy for posting undergraduate grades be tabled until a policy from the Graduate Council (now under consideration) comes to the Senate. Senate tabled that one section of the Undergraduate Council minutes.

A discussion arose over the policy that no exam counting more than 10% of the grade may be given during the last few days of class before exam week, unless a formally approved exemption had been made by the college curriculum committee, the Undergraduate Council and the Senate. Lenhart moved to change the percentage to 25%, but this motion failed.

The Undergraduate Council minutes were then approved.

A 10-minute recess was taken to attend the reception honoring President Boling.

Development and Alumni Relations Committee--Boroviak read her report to the Senate (enclosed in minutes). Dietz moved (seconded Reed), to accept the report, which was done unanimously.

Athletics Committee--Reed distributed an organizational chart on the two UTK athletic departments. Hood noted what he believed were some errors in the chart. There was a brief discussion with several questions. It was suggested that the Athletic Committee look into the possibility of getting more faculty representation on the committee which controls men's athletics.

Research Council--Due to the late hour, the report was postponed until the July 11, 1988 Senate meeting. Wortman requested immediate attention to the recommendation that the percentage of E & G money going into the Library, which has been going down and is now below UTK's peer institutions be raised to at least 4.7% and maintained at or above this level. No vote was taken due to a lack of a quorum.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

July 11, 1988, 3:15 P.M. Shiloh Room, University Center

Henry Frandsen, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Armistead, Avery, Boroviak, Buehler, Drake, Everett, H. Fisher, P. Fisher, Fowler, Haskell, Haughton, Hipple, Hodges, Howell, Jenkins, Jeon, Jumper, Kitchen, Knight, Kovac, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lofaro, Lunn, Martinson, B. McManus, Minkel, Misra, Moore, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, Oliver, Osborne, Peters, Philippatos, J. Phillips, L. Phillips, Pierce, Pless, Poppen, Pulsipher, Purcell, Reddy, Reed, Reese, Robbins, Scheurer, Shrieves, Shull, Sinkankas, Slawson, Stanga, Toal, von Bernuth, Washburn, J. Williams, V. Williams, Wisniewski and Wodehouse.

Proxies were: Hans Jensen (for Sid Carroll), John Mount (for Mike Davidson), Carl Dyer (for Mary Drake) and Bill Britten (for Tamara Miller).

Frandsen called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

1. Frandsen announced new senator orientation meeting on September 12 and the first regular Senate meeting on September 19.

2. Frandsen reminded senators to send in questionnaire on health insurance.

3. Frandsen reported that plans for Chancellor search had not been made, but that President Alexander had promised a national search.

The minutes of the Senate meeting of May 23 and minutes of Executive Committee meetings of May 16 and June 27 were approved.

Frandsen then reported on an Executive Committee meeting with President Alexander on July 1. The major topics were the searches for Chancellor and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

1. Committee on Committees (Van Hook)
Van Hook reported that all committee chairs have been contacted and are willing to serve.

The committee lists then were passed unanimously.
2. Research Council (P. Phillips)
a. Library--Phillips reported that the percentage of UT expenditures going to the Library have dropped to 2.2%. The Council pointed out that UTK's peer institutions average 3.5%, and only one peer institution is lower than UTK's percentage. The Council recommends at least 4.7% of budget go to Library. Phillips pointed out that UTK's Library was in danger of losing its inclusion in the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). On the ARL index, UTK ranks 87th of 101 research libraries.

In response to a question on the recent faculty fundraising drive, Phillips said that would help, but would not solve the problem.

Motion made and seconded that the recommended 4.7% be changed to 3.5%, the average percentage of our peer institutions. This resulted in a discussion of whether the Senate wanted to be tied to a particular percentage. Amendment failed.

Silverstein then moved the following: That the Senate would endorse the spirit of the Research Council's resolution that more funds are needed for the Library to be competitive with peer institutions, and that the chair would appoint people to draft the wording of such a resolution. Ratner seconded Approved unanimously.

b. Research Incentives for Young Faculty--The Research Council suggested a number of ways in which young faculty could be given more incentives and opportunities to do research, including reduction in teaching load, lighter departmental duties, etc.

Mead offered substitute motion which would replace "young faculty" with 'novice researchers" throughout the document, and that "senior faculty" be changed to "established researchers' or "experienced researchers". Second Lenhart. After a short discussion, Mead moved to refer her motion and entire report back to committee (seconded). Motion to refer the item on young faculty back to the Research Council was rejected 17-19, thus returning the Senate to the Mead amendment. Amendment rejected.
Mead then called for a quorum. There were not 53 Senators (a quorum), so meeting was adjourned.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

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