
October 6, 1986

November 3, 1986
January 26, 1987

February 16, 1987

April 6, 1987
May 4, 1987

June 1, 1987

July 13, 1987

Faculty Senate

6 October 1986, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Carruth, Fribourg, Hammitt, Kitchen, Krahwinkel, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Martinson, Moses, Olins, J. Phillips, K. Phillips, Purcell, Feed, Scheurer, Smith, Snyder, Vaughan, von Bernuth, Washburn, G. Wheeler, J. Williams and Wisniewski.

Silverstein called the- meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

1. Introductions of Tom Hood (Parliamentarian) , Bruce Wheeler (Secretary) and Nancy Knox (Office Secretary).

1) Silverstein urged faculty to attend Torch Night or Thursday, October 9 at 7:00 P.M. in Alumni Gym.

3. Silverstein announced that the Senate, thru Tom Ungs, Legislative Committee Chair, is trying to get the gubernatorial candidates to come to the campus to speak to the faculty. As yet there has been no firm commitment from either candidate. 4. Presentation of a past president's plaque to Marian Moffett.

Chancellor Reese spoke briefly on a number of subjects:
1. Both gubernatorial candidates have responded to questionnaires sent to them by the UT Alumni Association. Both candidates support full formula funding, the upgrading of equipment, more research space, more scholarships and chairs of excellence.

2. Capital improvements. The number one priority is the new science, engineering and computer building. Tyson House has been renovated for the Alumni Development Office and the Retirees' Association. The building at 11th Street and Cumberland has been designated as a future day care center (which should open sometime this fall--admission criteria have not yet been completed).

3. The Hodges Library is on schedule. The University should take possession of the building in January 1987 and the new library should be open for use by September 1987. A campaign to raise funds for the library will be starting soon. It will begin with a "family campaign" (faculty).

4. Enrollment. Enrollment of first-time freshmen is up a bit. More encouraging, enrollment of black first-time freshmen has increased.

Vice Chancellor Homer Fisher reported to the Senate on the following:
1. Faculty salaries have averaged an increase of 33.9% from FY 1984 to FY 1987. Fisher reported that the administration was still not satisfied with the faculty salaries. He noted that the salary supplement to some administrators this past summer did not mean that the emphasis was shifting away from faculty salaries to administrative ones.

2. The state appropriations for FY 1987 is $104 million, an increase of 42% since FY 1984. Fisher also reported on the increase in sponsored research and a comparison of UTK's library support with comparable institutions.
After Fisher's remarks, a number of questions were raised:
1. Will both libraries be out of room by the year 2000, as some have said? Fisher --doubtful.

2. Where will the science, engineering and computer building be located? Fisher -- not sure yet, but most likely that it will be in the Hill area. Input welcome.

3. What efforts are being made to recruit out-of-state students? Fisher -- we are trying to increase the number of scholarships, be more aggressive in doing recruiting trips out of state, and improve the materials being sent out. Currently 10% of our students are non-Tennesseans. The Board allows for a percentage of 15%, and we would like to get there.

4. Are there plans to increase graduate stipends? Fisher -- a higher priority has been placed on faculty and staff salaries, but we are closing the gap somewhat with peer institutions on graduate stipends.
Silverstein introduced Keith Stanga, chair of the Faculty Senate Budget Committee, and asked that any questions or concerns about the UTK budget be forwarded to him.



Silverstein went through the Executive Committee minutes of September 29, 1986 point by point. The following was taken up by the Senate:
a. Temporary parking permits.

After considerable discussion B. Mead moved that the and Parking Authority be requested to reconceptualize faculty and staff parking (second by Dodds). Passed by voice vote. A second motion by Mead (second by Dodds), that the Traffic and Parking Authority investigate the possibility of designating lots of the same number around campus, was defeated.

b. The putting up in the Shiloh Room of plaques to honor past presidents and secretaries of the Faculty Senate, to be funded by the Provost's Office. Motion came from committee and passed unanimously.

c. Silverstein reported on the projected use(s) of Hoskins Library. A detailed memorandum is being drawn up, regarding the relocation of the Science and Engineering Library.

d. Motion from Executive Committee to recommend to the Provost that faculty in their decennial years of service be honored with certificates and bookplates in library books passed by voice vote.
Lee Humphreys reported that the transition process was going smoothly. The curriculum will be moving through the Undergraduate Council and the Graduate Council this fall and should reach the Senate by January from the Educational Policy Committee. Efforts will be made to work with other area institutions (especially community colleges) to facilitate transitions for those students and the Advising Subcommittee will be scheduling intensive advising workshops for faculty.

After the report, a number of questions were raised, all having to do with the calendar.
Fred Venditti reported that his committee had recommended to the Senate revisions of language in the Faculty Handbook having to do with promotion. The suggested revisions would have prevented a department from taking "no action" on an application for promotion, since those actions essentially are denials which are not reviewed at the college or Provost level. A number of such cases have been reported to the committee, Venditti reported, necessitating new wording which would require the department in question to take a stand, positive or negative, on the promotion application, a decision which could then be reviewed elsewhere.

Discussion was animated, promised to be long, and the hour growing late. Drake moved to postpone consideration of the question until the next Senate meeting (second by Walker). Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 5:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

3 November 1986, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Buehler, Carruth, Cebik, Faver, H. Fisher, Fribourg, Hipple, Jenkins, Jumper, Lauer, Leiter, Liston, Martinson, Moses, Olins, Picquet, Poppen, Purcell, Reddy, Reese, Scheurer, Smith, Vaughan, von Bernuth and G. Wheeler.

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.


1. Faculty should have received information about optional insurance policy. A notice on extra insurance should have been distributed with monthly paychecks. For extra insurance available without physical examinations the deadline is November 14, 1986.
a. Question as to why maximum coverage was cut. Silverstein said reason for cap was IRS ruling which says that if insurance coverage over $50,000 is in effect, the premiums paid by the State would be taxable income. About 3,700 individuals affected throughout the state by cap.
2. Silverstein updated report on changes in spouse and children tuition/fee discounts and recertification procedures. Will probably go into effect during Winter quarter 1987.

3. Faculty should have received "This is Tennessee" recruiting information. Additional copies available on request.

4. Report by Silverstein that temporary parking permits are available at information desk on Circle Park for faculty who must park elsewhere temporarily. Barbara Mead has agreed to serve on the Traffic and Parking Authority.

5. Tennessee Higher Education Assembly addressed three general areas of interest: insurance and retirement benefits; evaluation of instruction and general education requirements.
a. On insurance, anticipated that state employees will be offered an optional group dental insurance policy.

b. Discussion of improving formula for retirement benefits. A benefits committee of the Legislature now examining that.

c. Many institutions are now looking at evaluation of instruction.
6. Among many items discussed at the Counselors to President Boling meeting, was additional funds for equipment and research. THEC will probably request $60 million in form of a bond issue. One other discussed was that of posting students' grades.
a. Kovac said Buckley Amendment was clear on posting grades. Silverstein replied that the question was of how to keep grades anonymous.

Faculty Senate Minutes of October 6, 1986

Silverstein called for additions or corrections. There being none, they were approved unanimously.


1. Executive Committee minutes of October 20, 1986
a. Congratulations by Wortman on returning parking lot adjacent to the Aquatic Center to faculty status.

b. Semester calendar for Senate meetings -- Bylaws committee will write up changes and bring to Senate.

c. Honors statement -- statement will be examined by an ad hoc committee of students, senators and representatives from the Provost Office.

d. Concern that faculty might misinterpret endorsement by the Senate Library Committee of the short-range plans for Hoskins Library as endorsement by the Faculty Senate itself, which is not the case. Senate has never taken a position on this matter.

Silverstein reported that the principal reasons for not using part of Hoskins Library for the Science and Engineering Library in the short range were: 1) need for "surge space", 2) inability or unwillingness to add the necessary 30 library staff people, and 3) the general need to renovate Hoskins before it becomes a Science and Engineering Library. Silverstein said that a firm decision has not been made, but the decision is "pretty firm".

Silverstein then brought forward resolution drafted by Kovac at the request of the Executive Committee that the renovation of Hoskins as a Science and Engineering Library would be the "first priority" after the renovations to Ayres, Geology and Geography, and Taylor Law.

Penner asked how long the prior renovations would take. Silverstein said an estimated three years. Kovac doubted this, noting that money has not been appropriated. Walker noted that faculty in these buildings have not been consulted as to how renovations should be done. Walker explained that some programs would be severely constricted during renovations.

Dodds moved (seconded Misra) that resolution be adopted. Motion carried.
2. Educational Policy Committee -- Marian Moffett
1. Semester material from the College of Veterinary Medicine -calendar change from a three year, twelve month calendar to a four year, nine month calendar. Clinics will continue to operate on a twelve month basis.

Approved unanimously.

2. Quarter material from College of Education, to convert physical education and music education to five-year program.

Approved unanimously.

3. Semester policies for Undergraduate Catalog. Moffett noted principal changes were uniform drop deadline and the clarifying of grading policy for incomplete work.

After considerable discussion, Bohstedt moved that uniform drop policy be sent back to Undergraduate Council for further discussion (second Kovac).

A motion to refer back to Undergraduate Council passed 36 - 23.

On remainder of section 3, some discussion of the wording of the Undergraduate Council minutes as opposed to the wording of the Educational Policy Committee report. Senate is voting on the wording in the Undergraduate Council minutes. Bull noted corrections needed on page 6627 (quarter to semester), page 6629 (correct should be 3.65 through 3.79) and page 6637 (nine hours to six hours).

Approved unanimously.

4. Quarter material from Liberal Arts, Engineering and Education.

Approved unanimously.

1. Faculty Affairs Committee has motion returned to floor on promotion matter (which prohibited a "no vote" on promotion) but required the department to approve or deny so decision could be reviewed by College committees.

Walker moved amendment "deny or approve" to "approve, deny or delay consideration" on promotion. Seconded.

Amendment defeated by voice vote.

Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

26 January 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Armistead, Betz, Billen, Boroviak, Carruth, Cullen, Elliott, P. Fisher, Fredrick, Glenn, Hammitt, Hipple, Hodges, Howell, Jeon, Julian, Kitchen, Kovac, Krahwinkel, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lunn, McManus, Mead, Mertz, Moore, Moses, Olins, Patton, Penner, K. Phillips, Picquet, Purcell, Reddy, Roney, Scheurer, Smith, Thompson-Wise, Vaughan, Waller, Washburn, G. Wheeler, J. Williams and V. Williams.

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.


1. Chancellor Reese presented the Hesler Award to Dr. John Bohstedt of the History Department. The Hesler Award is given to one faculty member per year for outstanding service to students.

2. Vice Provost Norman announced a program review of the UTK libraries. On Monday, February 16, 1987 at 4:15 P.M. in Special Collections there will be opportunity for faculty members to talk with review team. The libraries' selfstudy will be available at each departmental office.
a. Wortman pointed out that this time conflicted with Senate meeting and Norman promised to change time. New time will be announced.

Faculty Senate Minutes of 3 November, 1986. There being no additions or corrections, minutes were approved unanimously.


1. Educational Policy Committee -- Moffett
Undergraduate and Graduate semester transition curricular material was presented for Senate approval. Call for questions, corrections, etc.
1.) Fribourg said he assumed all 500 and 600 level courses needed prerequisites and that several courses did not have them. Minkel replied that this was not a rigid requirement and that numbers themselves would imply prerequisites. Ray added that for certain courses there were no specific prerequisites but did require consent of instructor or certain level of proficiency.
Material approved unanimously.
Silverstein added after vote that many people have spent a great deal of time on the material and that these people should be commended. Also noted that minor corrections or addenda can still be made so that catalog will be in as good a shape as possible.

Senators applauded those who worked on curricular material.
2. Bylaws Committee -- Morrow
Morrow requested that any Senator with suggestions for changes in the Bylaws please get those suggestions to him by February 15.
3. Executive Committee Minutes of November 11 and 17, 1986 and January 12, 1987
a. Wortman pointed out that December 1 meeting of Senate to have SAMS Project presented and for discussion of SAMS was not held. Wortman asked if Senate would have such a presentation and discussion. Silverstein said this still could take place in the near future if desired.

b. Walker asked whether Faculty addressed issue of emeritus status and privileges. Silverstein replied that, in his opinion, statement in the Handbook was vague as to who could achieve emeritus status, how that could be done, and what privileges such status entailed.

c. On SAMS Project, Wortman said administration should give more information to faculty, especially on funding. Silverstein replied that one suggestion of the 12 January meeting was that an article appear in Context which will provide as much information as possible. H. Fisher added that presentations to faculty will continue, although attendance at previous sessions has been disappointing. Wortman rejoined, citing "whipping boy" reference in 12 January meeting. Chancellor Reese said that this might have become an impression, but all information on this has been available and has not been withheld.

Bohstedt asked whether there was going to be a Senate meeting on this or not. Silverstein said this could take place after written material appears in Context. Chancellor Reese and H. Fisher said they were very willing to have such a session.

Walker said perception is that SAMS has "sucked up" money from other areas. H. Fisher replied that this is not so, although there have been strong efforts at cost control as some wanted project to "mushroom".

Cebik spoke of the possibility that there was a lack of confidence that SAMS was crucial and that it would be successful.

P. Pinckney said there was the implication that SAMS would change the advising system. Questioned what changes would be made and by whom. Silverstein replied that SAMS would give advisors most up-to-date material on student advisees. Silverstein did foresee the possibility that some aspects of advising would be done by specialists.

Hood questioned who had administrative control over SAMS. H. Fisher replied that Fisher, Reese, G. Wheeler and Scheurer are steering committee to whom Bill Miller (Director of SAMS) reports.

1. Semester Transition Advising (Humphreys)
Presentation reported on advising materials and plans. The main goal of the materials was to make spring advising session a "look to the future".
2. Moving to Hodges Library
P. Bayne was not able to attend, and this report will be made at a future Senate meeting.
After some brief remarks by Chancellor Reese on new curriculum and celebrations to herald the opening of Hodges Library, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

16 February 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Beitel, Bell, Betz, Bohstedt, Billen, Buehler, Carruth, Cohen, Clark, Elliott, Faver, H. Fisher, Glenn, Hsu, Jenkins, Jeon, Jumper, Kitchen, Krahwinkel, Leiter, Liston, Mead, Melton, Mertz, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, Painter, Penner, J. Phillips, L. Phillips, Purcell, Reddy, Scheurer, Shrieves, Smith, Snyder, Vaughan, Walker, Washburn, G. Wheeler, V. Williams and Wisniewski.

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:20 P.M.

1. President Boling sent regrets that he could not attend the Senate meeting. He would like to attend and report at a later date, preferably after the state legislature has been in session for some time.

2. March 30 meeting of President's Counselors scheduled for Memphis. If you have items which you would like raised, please pass them along to one of the counselors.

3. There may not be the need for the March 16 Senate meeting, unless there is pressing business.

4. Silverstein reported that many ideas for the new Hodges Library were coming to the Library Review Committee when much had already been decided. Silverstein urged that suggestions concerning all areas of the university come forth before decisions are made. Senators can be excellent conduits for these ideas.
Faculty Senate Minutes of 26 January. There being no additions or corrections, minutes were approved unanimously.
COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Executive Committee, 2 February 1987
A. Student Committee Membership and New Titles
1. Motion to postpone action on adding graduate student representation to the Graduate Council. Referred to Graduate Council which will report back to Senate. Passed unanimously.

2. Concerning adding one graduate student to each of the following Senate committees: Athletics, Educational Policy, Development and Alumni Relations, Library, Student Affairs. Recommendation would be sent to Bylaws Committee. Passed unanimously.

3. Recommendation to change wording in Senate Bylaws to conform to new titles:
1. Student Academic Council changed to Undergraduate Academic Council.

2. Graduate Student Council changed to Graduate Student Association.

Passed unanimously.
B. Racism at UTK in Fraternities and Sororities
Silverstein explained the nature of the discussion in the Executive Committee. A later open meeting of students ended inconclusively. Kovac said that Senate should not let this issue die, and that one public meeting would not be sufficient. Silverstein said Senate would be open to and interested in pursuing this matter if faculty or students believed there was racial discrimination in these student social organizations.
C. Status Report on Ad hoc Committees
1. P. Pinckney brought up issue of the summer term, especially with regard to the Provost's statement theft summer school be self- supporting. Silverstein replied that he believed the Provost's statement meant that the total expenses for summer school should be no more than total revenues for summer school, not that each course or even each department must pay for itself. Silverstein added that this ad hoc committee never has gotten off the ground. Pinckney urged that faculty not wait for the administration to act on this matter but draw up general principles on its own. After some discussion, Silverstein promised to press the Provost to get the ad hoc committee moving. Richard Pope of the Graduate Student Association pointed out that revenue from summer school was considerably higher than the Provost implied and the costs somewhat lower. After additional discussion, motion made by W. Poppen that Silverstein appoint a Senate committee on summer school. Seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Wortman then moved that President of Senate automatically be ex officio member of all Provost-Senate ad hoc committees. Seconded. Moffett pointed out that these committees were not really joint committees but rather subcommittees of the Planning and Budgeting Committee. Passed unanimously.

3. Why is Law School Curriculum under the Undergraduate Council?

An upcoming meeting of Silverstein, Ralph Norman and John Sebert, the Acting Dean of the Law School will be held soon.
2. Benefits Committee -- Fribourg
Health Insurance Benefits for State Retirees

Fribourg reported that the State engaged a private consulting firm to study this issue. The firm recommended that the State not establish a group plan for retirees. The report and recommendations went to the State Insurance Committee. Fribourg reported that he informed the State Insurance Committee that, in his opinion, the Faculty Senate would not favor the recommendations of the private consulting firm.
1. Moffett pointed out that Senate already was on record as favoring group health benefits for retirees. She moved that Benefits Committee draft and send a strongly-worded protest to the State Insurance Committee. Seconded. Passed unanimously.
3. Student Affairs Committee -- Poppen
Poppen reported that there was some student concern about snow days and the lack of consistent policies. He moved that faculty members be urged to inform students of their individual situation (consistent with University "policy") or their department policies. Seconded. After some discussion, Senate voted motion down.
Meeting adjourned at 4:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

6 April, 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Billen, Bovill, Bull., Cohen, Cullen, H. Fisher, Glenn, Hammitt, Hipple, Hodges, Howell, Jenkins, Jeon, Kaplan, Kitchen, Krahwinkel, Lawler, Leiter, Levey, Liston, Martinson, Melton, Moses, Olins, Painter, K. Phillips, Picquet, Purcell, Reich, Scheurer, Shrieves, Shull, Smith, Snyder, Toal, Vaughan, G. Wheeler, D. Williams and Wisniewski.

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:17 p.m.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Silverstein called upon Chancellor Reese for the dedication of permanent plaques in the Shiloh Room honoring presidents and secretaries of the Senate. Past presidents and secretaries were introduced.

Silverstein then introduced President Boling, who spoke principally about the UT budget and its implications. Boling remarked that he was not "totally happy" with the recommended budget of the Governor. On the other hand, he asserted that higher education has done well when compared to other areas of state government., Boling did say that Governor McWherter "believes in continued momentum" in higher education. McWherter told Boling that next year McWherter hopes the budget for higher education will be better and, indeed, this year's budget is not supposed to cut academic functions but rather administrative ones.

Specifically, in this year's proposed budget by the Governor provides no money for additional chairs of excellence, equipment, or new capital outlay. Those programs are "on hold".

Salary increments will average 4%. University will not be able to add to that this year from increased student fees.

Questions to President Boling:
1. On status of new Science-Engineering Building
Boling hoped for pre-planning money from this session of the legislature
2. On prospects of a state income tax -
Boling said, "he thinks it will come in his lifetime." Would not eliminate the state sales tax but would lower it significantly.
3. On involvement of faculty in selection of next chancellor and president
"You will be involved."
Chancellor Reese then commented on the budget as it affected UTK. Instructional component of the budget was fully funded. Increased student fees will represent approximately 2.7% of the 4% salary increases. Increases for promotions still a matter of some concern, still to be worked out -- may have to come out of the 4% general increase.


Approval of minutes of Senate meeting, 16, February 1987. (With correction that Ken Walker was present.)

1. Committee on Committees -- John Morrow distributed ballots, to be filled out by senators during the meeting.

2. Nominating Committee -- Washburn reported that nominating committee selected two nominees for president-elect of the Faculty Senate: Henry Frandsen and Henry Fribourg.

3. Executive Committee -- (meeting of March 2, 1987)
On the "Expectations" statement, after much discussion, there was a motion to table and invite Trudy Banta to come before Senate concerning the document. Approved in a voice vote.
.4. Educational Policy Committee -- (Moffett) on admission requirements, freshman admission, retention standards, classification of students, add/drop deadlines, splitting of Department of Speech and Theatre into two departments, (Department of Speech Communications and Department of Theatre) and dropping of M.A. in Speech and Theatre and M.E. in Nuclear Engineering (see attachment to April 6 Agenda).

Norman added additional statement for clarification (see attached), offered as clarification.

Pinckney urged increased pressure to have faculty distribute course syllabi, so students would know of course requirements at the beginning of the courses.

Committee report passed in toto.
Resolution (drafted by Ungs and Silverstein) on pre-planning funds for Science, Engineering and Computer Building (see attached). Approved unanimously.

Resolution (drafted by Silverstein) congratulating UT Lady Vols for winning NCAA Championship in Women's Basketball (see attached).

L. Crawford moved adoption (second Mead). Approved.

Motion that nominees for president-elect of the Senate submit a short statement as to ideas, beliefs, philosophy, proposed programs, etc. (Moved by Mead, seconded by Lenhart.)
Fribourg called for quorum count. There being no quorum, meeting was immediately adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

4 May, 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Beitel, Betz, Buehler, Carruth, Cohen, Clark, Cullen, Dodds, Elliott, P. Fisher, Fredrick, Glenn, Hipple, Howell, Jenkins, Kaplan, Kitchen, Krahwinkel, Leiter, Liston, Lunn, Melton, Mertz, Morrow, Moses, Norman, Olins, J. Phillips, K. Phillips, Picquet, Poppen, Purcell, Reddy, Roney, Scheurer, Schrieves, Smith, Snyder, Toal, Vaughan, G. Wheeler, D. Williams, J. Williams and Wisniewski.

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

The meeting began with a 15-minute slide-sound presentation by Chancellor Reese on communicating the proper image of UTK across the state, designed for the general public and various opinion leaders. Reese reported that a new presentation will be prepared for next year, probably using film instead of slide-sound. Suggestions are welcomed.

Pauline Bayne then gave a brief audio-visual presentation on the move into the new Hodges Library. Moving period will be August 3 to September 23 (the 24th is the first day of classes). During the move, most stacks will be closed, but there will be a paging and retrieval system both at Hoskins and UGL, and also at Hodges as books are moved there (except during two weeks in September). Reference service will be at Hoskins only. Information on applying for faculty studies will appear soon in the UTK Librarian.

Unanimous approval of minutes of Senate meeting 6 April 1987.
1. Nominating Committee report -- Yulan Washburn announced that Henry Frandsen has been elected President-Elect of the Faculty Senate.

2. Executive Committee report -- Silverstein
Evaluation of Instruction ad hoc committee report of 11 March 1987 was presented to the Senate for consideration.
1. Fribourg objected strongly to the implication that student evaluations would go not just to faculty members but to "someone else." Fribourg said he was speaking for other faculty members as well and not just for himself.

2. K. Walker said be saw no provisions for evaluating nonclassroom instruction (one-on-one graduate instruction, etc.).

3. G. Schneider (ad hoc committee chair) defended the report by saying that "shared" student evaluation questions would be quite general and would cover areas in which students were competent to evaluate faculty. Other questions would not be "shared".

4. Kovac pointed out that this report will go hand-in-hand with a report still to come to the Senate on teaching improvement. Said approving the report now would be a big step, toward "opening ourselves up to evaluation for personnel decisions". Kovac pointed out, however, that "if we don't do this, someone will do it for us."
After much discussion, Cebik moved to table the motion until implementation information was presented. Seconded by Fribourg. Motion was defeated.

A motion was made by Walker to refer the report back to the committee to consider graduate advising and who would get evaluation results. Von Bernuth seconded.

Mead amended to consider the entire floor discussion. Motion carried.
Max Wortman -- chair of the Research Council, introduced Paul. Phillips chair of Policy Committee of the Council. The policy on commercial ventures originally came from Ken Heathington's office, and was rewritten by the committee to make it a workable document.

The minor changes on page 3 are to be considered as part of the policy statement for the UT system to be endorsed by the UTK Senate.

Motion for endorsement as amended -- carried.

An additional statement for UTK as recommended by the Research Council was approved.

Motion carried.

Budget Committee chair Keith Stanga reported on the budget for fiscal year 1987-88. During college budget hearings the committee learned about funding priorities, and ideas were recommended. New discretionary funds (from cuts in administration) $500,000 for library, $500,000 to address various college priorities, $50,000 for research and development, $50,000 for assistantships, $50,000 for the semester transition. Funding for academic promotion would not come out of the 4% salary increase pool.

Faculty salary increases would be merit. We didn't get as much money as was needed, there is no new equipment funding, but there is more money than last year. The key people in Nashville are backing education.

Wortman asked about budget in respect to the library. Different increase for library. 1/2 million into library, $400,000 of this in acquisitions. Hopefully THEC will follow and more money will be there in the next couple of years.

Sid Jumper -- Development and Alumni Relations Committee, distributed a committee report, which included a recommendation to encourage the Chancellor to set up a mechanism to record verbal and pictorial accounts of the history of UTK. Wortman seconded, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:03 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

1 June, 1987, 3:15 P.M.,, Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Aikens, Armistead, Beitel, Betz, Billen, Carruth, Cohen, Drake, Faver, H. Fisher, Fredrick, Glenn, Hipple, Hsu, Jenkins, Jumper, Kitchen, Krahwinkel, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lunn, Martinson, Mead, Melton, Morrow, Moses, Olins, Painter, J. Phillips, K. Phillips, Purcell, Reddy, Reese, Scheurer, Schrieves, Shull, Sinkankas, Smith, Snyder, Stanga, Toal, Vaughan, von Bernuth, Walker, Washburn, G. Wheeler and D. Williams.

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

The Senate will meet on July 13 at 3:15 P.M. in the Shiloh Room. Senators who will not be at that meeting were urged to send proxies. Please select proxies and inform B. Silverstein (4643), Nancy Knox (6768) or B. Wheeler (7089).
Minutes of 4 May, 1987 were approved as circulated.
1. Executive Committee Minutes of 18 May, 1987
On honor statement, minutes were corrected to show that the Academic Policy Committee of the Graduate Council would be recommending an honor statement for Council's consideration.

Silverstein briefly reviewed the new business which came before the Executive Committee. One question came up regarding the recently-placed sculptures around campus. Silverstein explained that this program was expensive, and this was one of the Provost's concerns.
2. Educational Policy Committee (report Moffett)
Major items were in the Undergraduate Council Minutes of 16 April, 1987, which were major policy proposals defining general education, changing the definition of a C grade, and adding descriptive terms for B+ and C+ grades, instituting midterm progress reports for students in academic difficulty, the limitations on University Student status, the necessity for the permission of an instructor before a student could audit a course, and a 1987-1988 change in admission standards to the College of Business Administration.

Moffett explained that all of these proposals were for the semester system.

Graduate Council Minutes -- April 9, 1987 and May 14, 1987 Undergraduate Council Minutes -- April 16, 1987 All minutes were approved.
1. Expectations Statement (report Trudy Banta)
Banta explained the origins of the Expectations Statement. Banta said she believed the statement could contribute to a feeling of shared purpose. Expectations of faculty come from the Faculty Handbook and from Hilltopics. The statements have been reviewed by two Senate committees.

Fribourg moved an amendment to paragraph 3 Administrators and Staff which would add the word "all" in line 2 after the words "women and," thus reading "women and all minorities".

Was seconded, providing new wording was "women and any and all minorities."

Vote on amendment failed.

Vote on endorsing Expectations Statement approved.
2. Research Council (report Wortman)
Bylaws changes for the Research Council were introduced to the Senate by Wortman (cannot be passed at this session but must wait 28 days).

Cebik asked that "funded and non-funded" be changed to "externally funded and institutionally funded". Other wording changes suggested.

Buehler noted a common perception (or misperception) that the Research Council was more interested in "hard sciences" and wondered whether these changes would correct this misperception. Wortman agreed, and noted that the Council was moving in that direction.

Will come back to the Senate in July with suggested bylaws changes.
3. Impact of Reduced State Funding on Centers of Excellence
The report noted the psychological impact as well as impacts on personnel, equipment, graduate education and research programs. Wortman reported that the loss of momentum was serious.

Wortman said that the Research Council plans to have a statement for Governor McWherter when he visits the campus.

Moved that report be circulated. Passed unanimously.
4. Draft Statement by the Committee on Research Policies on Provision of Laboratory Space
Wortman said there was some concern that were inadvertently creating a "third campus" on the Pellissippi Parkway which would separate laboratory space. There was hope that more space could be found on the main campus.

Wortman wanted the statement delivered to the Chancellor and the Provost.

Were some questions on the statement, especially with regard to locating the new science and engineering building on the west side of the campus and to be assigned totally to Engineering.

Wortman suggested, in light of questions, to send entire report back to Research Council.

Wortman moved to approve the intent of the statement. Following some discussion, Fribourg called for a quorum count. Being short of a quorum, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate

13 July, 1987, 3:15 P.M., Shiloh Room, University Center

Bernie Silverstein, Presiding

Members absent were: Ahl, Aikens, Armistead, Beitel, Betz, Bohstedt, Billen, Boroviak, Bovill, Bull, Cebik, Cohen, Cullen, Drake, Elliott, Faver, Fredrick, Glenn, Hammitt, Hsu, Jenkins, Jeon, Kaplan, Kitchen, Knight, Krahkwinkel, Lauer, Lawler, Leiter, Liston, Lunn, McManus, Mead, Melton, Mertz, Misra, Morrow, Moses, Moulden, Norman, Olins, J. Phillips, K. Phillips, Poppen, Purcell, Reddy, Reese, Shull, Smith, Toal, Vaughan, von Bernuth, Washburn, G. Wheeler and V. Williams.

Proxies were: Karl Barth (Kelly Robbins), Ed Caudill (George Everett), Glennon Rowell (Richard Wisniewski), Jim Shelton (Susan Martin), Fred Smith (Benita Howell) and John Smith (Betty Carruth) .

Silverstein called the meeting to order at 3:15 P.M.

Silverstein formally repeated the memorandum received by Senators noting John Morrow's resignation as 1987-88 Senate President. Henry Frandsen (President-Elect 1987-88) will automatically become President. Senate congratulated Frandsen.
Minutes of Senate meeting 1 June, 1987 approved as distributed.
1. Executive Committee
Executive Committee has selected Silverstein to serve as Interim Vice- President of the Senate until a new President-Elect is elected at the second meeting of fall quarter.

Silverstein announced that, as suggested by the Executive Committee, he has written to Governor McWherter to urge Senate representation on a search committee to seek President Boling's successor. Silverstein explained that he did not press for faculty voting rights on such a committee. Was some discussion about what the faculty's role should be in the search.

On the "temporary" #9 parking lots, Silverstein suggested that the appropriate Senate committee investigate this and report to the Senate.

On putting parking meters along Volunteer Boulevard, Clark pointed out that initial suggestion had come from the Library Committee as one way of securing short-term parking spaces for the Hodges Library. Fisher said University administration generally has discouraged placing parking meters on streets which run through the University. Silverstein then discussed the problem of short-term parking at Hodges Library, and gave the Senate a status report on that matter. Said there will be a parking lot which should have such spaces and up to 25 short-term parking spaces on the street. Fisher said this may be one reason for not converting temporary lot #9 back to green space.
2. Committee on Committees (Frandsen)
Frandsen presented 1987-88 committee assignments. (See attached.)
3. Faculty and Staff Benefits (Fribourg)
The issue was that of faculty members taking leaves of absence without pay not having health insurance coverage by the University. Fribourg recommended that the University continue to pay for such coverage when a faculty member was on leave without pay. Until that time, this lack of coverage should be well-publicized so faculty is aware of this problem and should request coverage. Approved unanimously.
4. Research Council, Committee on Computing (report Carter)
Carter offered an update on the committee's activities, especially the identification of those areas where UTK is lacking.
5. Bylaws Committee (report Silverstein)
Changes to amendments included deferring Article III. Section 2. A (2) change. Article III. Section 1. A. change should be Article III. Section 2. A. Article II. Section 1. B. (1) should be 1987 instead of 1978. Minkel moved, seconded Walker that Bylaws changes be approved as amended. Passed unanimously.
Frandsen presented resolution in appreciation of Silverstein's distinguished service as 1986-88 President of the Faculty Senate (seconded Walker). Passed unanimously, with applause.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
William Bruce Wheeler
Secretary to the Faculty Senate

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