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Bylaws Committee
October 5, 1999
To: | Faculty Senate |
From: | Bylaws Committee |
Subject: | Proposed Bylaws Changes |
The Bylaws Committee wishes to report that it will ask the Senate at its meeting on November 15 to adopt the following amendments to the Senate Bylaws.
1. Move the following statement from Article II, Section 1.B to Article II, Section 3:
"A Senator wishing to place an item on the Agenda of the Faculty Senate shall submit it to the President of the Senate, in the form of a written motion to be debated, before the meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee immediately preceding a regular meeting of the Senate. Such an action does not preclude any Senator from offering a motion from the floor."RATIONALE: the quoted language has nothing to do with "Criteria, Election and Term of Office" of "Elected Faculty Members" (the topic for Article II, Section 1.B). It would be more appropriate as part of the description of the conduct of meetings, the topic for Article II, Section 3.
2. Change the language in Article II, Section 3 and in Article IV, Section 1 from
"Robert's Rules of Order"to
"Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised"RATIONALE: The title of the manual has changed, and the manual itself recommends the revised language in its model bylaws.
3. Change the language in Article II, Section 3 by adding the word "ordinarily" and by adding the following statements to the first sentence of the Section as indicated in the comparison text below:
"The President-Elect shall review the calendar one year in advance and adjust meeting dates as necessary. The proposed schedule for the following year shall be presented at the October meeting of the Senate and be published as appropriate. The President shall have the authority to schedule the meetings on other dates, timely notice being given to the Senate. In addition,"RATIONALE: The discretion to deviate from the ordinary schedule would enable the Senate to avoid serious conflicts, including but not limited to a conflict with Yom Kippur in September.
4. Add the following language to Article III, Section 2, Paragraph F(2):
The Executive Council shall prepare annually a Statement of Objectives for the Senate, based on consultations with the Standing Committees and with appropriate administration officers, and shall present the Statement of Objectives for review and approval by the Executive Committee and the Senate at their first meetings in the Fall.RATIONALE: The Bylaws have no provisions for planning the business of the Senate. The proposal charges the Executive Council with that responsibility, outlines a planning process, and provides for review and approval by superior bodies.
5. Change the language in Article IV, Section 1 from
"Items proposed by a Senator in accordance with Article II, Section 1.B will be included as new business at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate."to
"The President shall include as new business at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate any items proposed by a Senator in accordance with Article II, Section 3."RATIONALE: The rephrasing makes it clear that the purpose of the line is to state a "duty" of the President. The change from "Article II, Section 1.B" to "Article II, Section 3" reflects the change proposed in item #1 above.
Comparison Texts
Present Article II, Section 1.B B. Elected Faculty Members: Criteria, Election and Term of Office. Elected members of the Faculty Senate shall be chosen from those members of the Faculty meeting the following criteria at the time of the election: (1) the holding of full-time or continuing part-time appointment with the rank, or equivalent rank, of assistant professor or higher; and (2) the performance of academic duties totaling at least half-time teaching, research, service, or departmental administration. The faculty of each college or division of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, consisting of full-time or continuing part-time faculty with the rank, or equivalent rank, of assistant professor or higher, shall elect its representatives to the Senate in February of each year by secret ballot. The term of office is to begin August 1. After completion of a full three-year term, or any partial term of more than one year, an elected member shall be ineligible for one year for reelection. A Senator wishing to place an item on the Agenda of the Faculty Senate shall submit it to the President of the Senate, in the form of a written motion to be debated, before the meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee immediately preceding a regular meeting of the Senate. Such an action does not preclude any Senator from offering a motion from the floor. |
New Article II, Section 1.B B. Elected Faculty Members: Criteria, Election and Term of Office. Elected members of the Faculty Senate shall be chosen from those members of the Faculty meeting the following criteria at the time of the election: (1) the holding of full-time or continuing part-time appointment with the rank, or equivalent rank, of assistant professor or higher; and (2) the performance of academic duties totaling at least half-time teaching, research, service, or departmental administration. The faculty of each college or division of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, consisting of full-time or continuing part-time faculty with the rank, or equivalent rank, of assistant professor or higher, shall elect its representatives to the Senate in February of each year by secret ballot. The term of office is to begin August 1. After completion of a full three-year term, or any partial term of more than one year, an elected member shall be ineligible for one year for reelection. |
Present Article II, Section 3 Section 3. Meetings. The Faculty Senate shall meet on the third Monday in September, October, and November during the Fall Semester and on the first Monday in February, March, April, and May during the Spring Semester, or at the call of the President of the Senate, or in the President's absence, the President-Elect of the Senate, or pursuant to a petition signed by one-quarter of the members of the Senate. Meetings of the Senate shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws. Faculty, staff, and student observers may speak if recognized by the presiding officer. During the Spring Semester the third Monday in January shall be reserved for a called meeting, to be used if deemed necessary by the President or Executive Committee. |
New Article II, Section 3 Section 3. Meetings. The Faculty Senate shall ordinarily meet on the third Monday in September, October, and November during the Fall Semester and on the first Monday in February, March, April, and May during the Spring Semester. The President-Elect shall review the calendar one year in advance and adjust meeting dates as necessary. The proposed schedule for the following year shall be presented at the October meeting of the Senate and be published as appropriate. The President shall have the authority to schedule the meetings on other dates, timely notice being given to the Senate. In addition, the Senate shall meet at the call of the President of the Senate, or in the President's absence, the President-Elect of the Senate, or pursuant to a petition signed by one-quarter of the members of the Senate. During the Spring Semester the third Monday in January shall be reserved for a called meeting, to be used if deemed necessary by the President or Executive Committee. Meetings of the Senate shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws. Faculty, staff, and student observers may speak if recognized by the presiding officer. A Senator wishing to place an item on the Agenda of the Faculty Senate shall submit it to the President of the Senate, in the form of a written motion to be debated, before the meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee immediately preceding a regular meeting of the Senate. Such an action does not preclude any Senator from offering a motion from the floor. |
Present Article III, Section 2, Paragraph F(2) (2) The Executive Council of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the immediate Past President, the Secretary, and at least four elected members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Council shall be empowered to represent the Senate in all urgent matters that may arise after the last scheduled Senate meeting in the spring and before the first scheduled Senate meeting in the fall. Any activities of the Executive Council shall be reported to the Executive Committee and the Senate at the earliest scheduled opportunity. |
New Article III, Section 2, Paragraph F(2) (2) The Executive Council of the Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the immediate Past President, the Secretary, and at least four elected members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Council shall be empowered to represent the Senate in all urgent matters that may arise after the last scheduled Senate meeting in the spring and before the first scheduled Senate meeting in the fall. The Executive Council shall prepare annually a Statement of Objectives for the Senate, based on consultations with the Standing Committees and with appropriate administration officers, and shall present the Statement of Objectives for review and approval by the Executive Committee and the Senate at their first meetings in the Fall. Any activities of the Executive Council shall be reported to the Executive Committee and the Senate at the earliest scheduled opportunity. |
Present Article IV, Section 1 New Article IV, Section 1 Section 1. The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty Senate, where he/she shall be bound by the Bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order. The President shall prepare an Agenda for meetings of the Senate. Items proposed by a Senator in accordance with Article II, Section 1.B will be included as new business at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate. The President shall represent the Faculty and on all occasions be considered the chief spokesperson of the Faculty Senate and the University Faculty. The President shall be the President-Elect chosen during the previous year. The President may, in consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint ad hoc committees for a period of not more than two years. |
New Article IV, Section 1 Section 1. The President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty Senate, where he/she shall be bound by the Bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised. The President shall prepare an Agenda for meetings of the Senate. The President shall include as new business at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Senate any items proposed by a Senator in accordance with Article II, Section 3. The President shall represent the Faculty and on all occasions be considered the chief spokesperson of the Faculty Senate and the University Faculty. The President shall be the President-Elect chosen during the previous year. The President may, in consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint ad hoc committees for a period of not more than two years. |
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