Stephen H. Blackwell


[mouse over images for detail. Art by Sarah Stanhope]



Titles in color link to full or partial text


The Quill and the Scalpel: Nabokov's Art and the Worlds of Science. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State UP, 2009.

Zina’s Paradox: The Figured Reader in Nabokov’s Gift. Middlebury Studies in Russian Language and Literature vol. 23. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.

Articles (* indicates refereed article):

20. "Lolita's Ape, Caged at Last!” The Nabokovian Fall 2011

19. "Nabokov's (Dostoevskian?) Loopholes." Forthcoming Nov. 2010, in Ed. Mitsuyoshi Numano and Tadashi Wakashima. Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference in Kyoto. Kyoto: The Nabokov Society of Japan, 2010. 175-80.

18. “Dostoevskian Problems in Nabokov’s Poetics.” Forthcoming in John Bartle, Michael Finke, and Vadim Liapunov, eds. Festschrift for Nina Perlina. Bloomington, IN: Slavica (7,100 words).

*17. “Notes On a Famous First Line (‘Light of My Life’).” The Nabokovian 64 (Spring, 2010). 39-44.

16. “ ‘Fugitive Sense’ in Nabokov.” In Will Norman and Duncan White, eds. Transitional Nabokov. London, Peter Lang, 2008. 15-31.

*15. “A New or Little-Known Subtext in Lolita.” The Nabokovian 60 (Spring, 2008): 51-55.

14. Nabokov, Knigoizdatel’. [“Nabokov, Bookpublisher.”] In Russian, in Yuri Leving, ed. Imperiia N.: Nabokov i nasledniki. Moscow : Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2006. 74-84.

*13. “Nabokov’s Wiener-schnitzel Dreams: Anti-Freudian Poetics in Despair.” Nabokov Studies 7, 2002/2003: 129-150.

*12. “The Poetics of Science in, and around, Nabokov’s The Gift.” Russian Review 62.2 (April, 2003): 243-61.

* 11. “Anna Karenina in The Gift.” The Nabokovian. Fall 2002: 26-34.

10. “Aubrey Beardsley and Lolita.” Proceedings of the Vladimir Nabokov Symposium, Vladimir Nabokov Museum. 2003.

*9. “Toward a Theory of Negative Pattern in Nabokov.” In Nabokov at Cornell. Gavriel Shapiro, ed. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2002. 231-240.

*8. “Nabokov, Mach, and Monism.” Nabokov at the Crossroads. Grayson, Jane, Arnold McMillin, and Priscilla Meyer, eds. Houndmills Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002. v.1. 121-131.

7. “Nabokov and the Anti-Apophatic Novel.” In In Other Words: In Honor of Vadim Liapunov. Edited by Stephen Blackwell, Michael C. Finke, Nina Perlina, and Yekaterina Vernikova. Bloomington: Slavica, 2000 [2003]. 357-366.

6. “Granitsy iskusstva: chtenie kak lazeika dlia dushi v Dare V. Nabokova.” [Translation of 5] Vladimir Nabokov: Pro et contra vol. 2. Ed. Boris Averin et al. St. Petersburg: RkhGI, 2001. 824-851.

*5. "Boundaries of Art: Reading as Transcendence in Nabokov’s The Gift." Slavic Review 58.3 (Fall 1999): 600-625.

*4. "Three Notes on The Gift: An Intertext, a Revision, and a Puzzle Solved." The Nabokovian, Spring 1998: 36-39.

*3. "Fated Freedoms: Textual Form and Metaphysical Texture in Nabokov." Nabokov Studies No. 4 (1997): 60-90.

2. "Colloquy on Browning's Door.” Contributor and compiler. The Nabokovian. No. 34, Spring 1995: 16-25.

*1. " Reading and Rupture in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading." Slavic and East European Journal, Spring 1995: 38-53.



"Conversations with Bakhtin."Edited by Vadim Liapunov.PMLA, October 1994: 1009-1024.Translation of "Odin razgovor i vokrug nego." by S.G. Bocharov, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenieNo. 2 (1993), 170-188.

Co-Edited Festschrift:

In Other Words: Studies In Honor of Vadim Liapunov. Edited, with Michael C. Finke, Nina Perlina, and Ekaterina Vernikova. Indiana Slavic Studies No. 11. Bloomington: Slavica, 2000 [2003].

Book Reviews

Review of The Sublime Artist's Studio: Nabokov and the Art of Painting, by Gavriel Shapiro (Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 2009), in Slavic Review, forthcoming.

Review of The Problems of Space, Time, and Vision in V. Nabokov’s Fiction, by Marina Grishakova ( Tartu: Tartu UP, 2006), in Slavic and East European Journal 51.3 (2007), 619.  

Review of Vokzal—garazh—angar, by Yurii Leving (Sankt-Peterburg, izd. Iv. Limbakha, 2004), in Nabokov Studies #8 (2005), 228-230.

Review of The Proletarian Imagination by Mark D. Steinberg ( Ithaca, 2002), in Slavic and East European Journal, Winter 2004.  

Review of Einstein and Soviet Ideology by Alexander Vucinich, ( Princeton, 2001), in Slavic and East European Journal, Summer 2003.

Review of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita: A Casebook, by Ellen Pifer, in The Russian Review, October, 2003

Review of Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov, Stephen G. Kellman, ed.Slavic Review 61.2 (Summer 2002).

Review of Delicate Markers, by Gavriel Shapiro.Nabokov Studies (2001).

Review of Nabokov and his Fiction: New Perspectives, ed. by Julian Connolly.Slavic and East European Journal 44.4 (Winter 2000).

Review of Russian Subtexts in Nabokov’s Fiction, by Pekka Tammi.Slavic and East-European Journal, Summer 2000 (212-213).

Review of A Graveyard of Themes, by Kazimiera Ingdahl.Canadian-American Slavic Studies Vol 31, No. 1 (1997), 98-99.

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